Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It is Life!!

Kudos to Arch Bishop Chaput!! Of all the Health care reform talk, I like this one the best. Why? Because it gives it to you in a nut shell! It's the bottom line!

"The reason is
Killing or funding the killing of unborn children
has nothing to do with promoting human health,
and including these things in any ‘health care’
no matter how shrewdly hidden, would simply be a form of lying,"
~Arch Bishop Chaput

In the medical field pregnancy appears to be a condition. So what does the government say to do when this condition is unwanted? You get rid of it! Right? Because they figure it would be cheeper for a person to get rid of the problem now instead of having to finically support it later when it is actually a human.

The world is so messed up. We have our government controlling our every breath and we are not listening to the intentions of our Creator.
This is not Natural my friends. If you take religion out of abortion it is still not coherent with the Natural Law (or Mother Nature, for those who prefer that term). It takes a human to create a suitable breeding ground for life, it takes a human to nourish the life, it takes a human to sustain the life, it takes a human to deliver the life into the world. All of these processes, and for what, a mass, a blob of tissue? Really? All of these scientific occurrences for a group of cells?
I think not. It has to be something much more viable, something tangible. Something 'worth it.' What is it?
It is Life!!

Below is the article where Arch Bishop is quoted:

Denver archbishop: ‘Common ground’ claim will be tested by details of health care reform

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