Friday, August 21, 2009

One Week Down

I never thought I would make it, but here I sit, having survived my first week of Nursing School. Overall, it went good. I am blessed with wonderful teachers (at least I feel that way now!) Going to a Catholic School, at any age, is priceless (Uh-hem, well it dose have a hefty monetary fee, but I am speaking figuratively here).

I was surprised to see so many older people in the class. That was a relief. I am sure that relating to my classmates would make things a little easier. There are also a lot of guys in the class, which I think is great. I love it when guys cross those lines of stigmatism's. More women should do things like that.

I feel like I have already learned so much. The healthcare world fascinates me!!

The kids got off to a great start too! The also have wonderful teachers and classmates! Today Matthew went for his first full day of Kindergarten. Seeing all 4 of the kids walking to school was a tearful moment, but as I walked back into the house I have to admit, I danced a little jig.

Rita and Joseph have also adjusted better than I expected. My mom has been great. What would we do without our mothers. Well, we wouldn't even be here, would we?

I have to admit though, yesterday I did have a breaking moment, but I was spared a lot of heartache when I entered the Chapel at Aquinas. I knelt before Jesus in the Tabernacle, and wept. I really felt like I couldn't do this. How could God expect me to do all of this? Go to school, take care of my family, and do the things that go along with it all.

But, there in the presence of Christ I gave it to Him. I prayed that He would use me as a tool to spread His Word and take care of His people. I happened to be looking down the entire time, and just as I said, "Lord, how can I do this?" I looked up, and my eyes were fixed on the crucifix. I gasped, and thought, "Through your Love and Mercy, I can do this!" I jesus did that, then I can do this. I left my troubles at the foot of the cross!! Praise Jesus!!

I felt compelled to read the book of Psalms, and there just so happened to be a Bible in front of me. Maybe my guardian angel put it there, knowing I was at a week moment. I read a few of the Psalms that pertained to me, and a sense of peace came over me just as quick as the turmoil had. I have to remember to turn to Him more. All the answers lie within Him.

So I am sitting here, thanking God for His love and all the blessings!!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It is Life!!

Kudos to Arch Bishop Chaput!! Of all the Health care reform talk, I like this one the best. Why? Because it gives it to you in a nut shell! It's the bottom line!

"The reason is
Killing or funding the killing of unborn children
has nothing to do with promoting human health,
and including these things in any ‘health care’
no matter how shrewdly hidden, would simply be a form of lying,"
~Arch Bishop Chaput

In the medical field pregnancy appears to be a condition. So what does the government say to do when this condition is unwanted? You get rid of it! Right? Because they figure it would be cheeper for a person to get rid of the problem now instead of having to finically support it later when it is actually a human.

The world is so messed up. We have our government controlling our every breath and we are not listening to the intentions of our Creator.
This is not Natural my friends. If you take religion out of abortion it is still not coherent with the Natural Law (or Mother Nature, for those who prefer that term). It takes a human to create a suitable breeding ground for life, it takes a human to nourish the life, it takes a human to sustain the life, it takes a human to deliver the life into the world. All of these processes, and for what, a mass, a blob of tissue? Really? All of these scientific occurrences for a group of cells?
I think not. It has to be something much more viable, something tangible. Something 'worth it.' What is it?
It is Life!!

Below is the article where Arch Bishop is quoted:

Denver archbishop: ‘Common ground’ claim will be tested by details of health care reform

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Change is looming in the clouds above me. Ready to strike its claws into me. I know I am very nostalgic, and so are my kids. We can realize when a moment is special and never to be had again. Especially, my son Billy (9).

The kids start school on Thursday, even Matthew does for his first day of Kindergarten. I have orientation on Friday and begin my classes on Monday. Life will never be the same again.

We will now have rushed mornings, homework filled afternoons, and late nighters consumed with study for me. Time will pass us by so quickly, we will look back and wonder what happened.

Last night, when I was trying to fall asleep, fear overcame me. What am I doing? How do I possibly think I can pull off of this off? Our hectic life is going to be 10 X's more hectic. Am I going to still be able to devote my life to my husband and children?

And right then and there I made a decision. I will do this! This is God's Will for me and my family. He wants me to do this! Therefor, He will see me through this! I will lean on Him!

I prayed for wisdom, strength, and courage. I made a commitment to myself. I am going to wake up every morning, say my morning offering, and give the day to God. I will tend to the needs of my husband, my children, and my school stuff, and what I don't get done, I will give it to the Lord! There is nothing more I can do. I give 100% and God picks up my slack.

I have never felt a stronger push to do something. You know how sometimes we say, "Lord, show me what you want me to do!" Well, I didn't have to say that. It just happened. I had to jump over so many hurdles to get to this point, and there are so many more to jump.

In the midst of my own self saga, the kids are also going through changes in their lives. Mary Hailey will be in the 6th grade... AKA, Middle School! I didn't tell her this, but I vividly remember 6th grade (I went to the same school as her) and it was horrific. I barely got out alive!!! But she is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better student than I ever was. I am sure she will do fine. This is basically a new school for her. (she went there for Kindergarten and 1st grade) Billy and Scott are starting at the school also for the very first time.

Scott was homeschooled last year and despises school. I am praising God everyday that he has a Dominican Sister as his 2nd grade teacher. Maybe she can straighten his little bum out. =)

And my Matthew, off to Kindergarten. This will be the first time he goes to school. I don't know what it is about him, but I will be crying my eyes out. He has the largest heart of anyone I know. You just wouldn't believe this kid. You know the quote in the Bible, how we should have the heart of a child....something like that, well that's him, giving, kind, thoughtful, but still a normal, mischievous 6 year old.

So anyways, I will write more as the days unfold and our ship sets sail. I pray the waters are smooth and Jesus will be with us when the storms hit!!

Immediately he spoke to them and said,
"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Then he climbed into the boat with them,
and the wind died down.
They were completely amazed.
Mark 6:51



Monday, August 10, 2009

One Word... Monday

Today is the last Monday of summer. I am so sad. Trust me I have my moments when summer couldn't end fast enough, but this morning is not one of them. Everyone is quite and no one is fighting. Shall I utter the word, 'peaceful?'

Two more days to be on our own schedule. I am the boss and we do what I say, for two whole days. But after that we are under the direction of teachers, principles, coaches, bosses, room parents, team mom's, etc... times that by 5 and life appears suddenly very demanding!

I am already looking forward to Fall Break and especially to Christmas Break. Mainly because we get to return to my happy place.

The Cabin.
It is my parents and bother and his wife's cabin actually.
But we are all always welcome there.

This past weekend we spent our last hurrah there.

It was just us and my parents. Good times and great food!

This is a Green Egg. It is my Dad's grill.
It cooks some amazingly good food!!

Alas, now back to reality!

This is My 6 kids, my brother's 2, and my sister's 1 on the TN River.

All for now,


Friday, August 7, 2009

No sleep + breastfeeding + raging hormones = insanity!!!

Why won't my baby sleep?

8 months old and it feels like I have a newborn baby. I require more sleep than the average person. I get a little crazy around 3ish if I don't get my sleep.
Plus, I am still offering half of myself for the little peanut. My milk is on tap 24/7.
Maybe I should start offering a 'last call' at night.

What am I going to do in a week when I start school? Oh where oh where is my brain? I need it back!! But I refuse stop nursing my babe.

Man what we women put ourselves through. Pregnancies, labors, nursing, raging hormones when your body is trying to get back to normal, and then after they finally regulate.... BAM....pregnant again! (I am not pregnant!) I am in the raging segment.
No sleep + breastfeeding + raging hormones = insanity!!!
But I am okay with it! I thrive on the insanity.... really I do!

A man couldn't last a day inside my body! And that's a fact!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is Me... intro.

This is Me, sorting it all out.
What am I sorting out? Life! I have been truly blessed in this life. My ultimate goal is to make it to the next life and bring as many people as I can with me!
What do I do? I am a wife to one, John. Mother to 6, Mary Hailey, Billy, Scott, Matthew, Joseph, and Rita. John and I work as a team to raise our little gifts from God in a way that one day they will reach the Heavenly Gates. John is a teacher and I am a Nursing student.
About me. I am Catholic. I have a great life. My kids go to a Catholic School and they walk to school, most days. I go to Nursing School at a Catholic School also. While I am away, my wonderful mother is at my home holding down the fort.
Why am I creating a blog? I thought it would help me organize my thoughts and possibly help keep me sane!

So here goes nothing.....
